Animal OOO Hero

Tech solutions for animal lovers

For all species and all breeds in all countries







What we do

What we do

Our breeding tool

Animal.OOO has developed a completely new and unique breeding tool that has the potential to revolutionize the breeding work of the future and we will offer it to users completely free of charge.

Other tech solutions

Does your organization want to improve and simplify your technical solutions? Let us become your technical partner, and we will present a comprehensive set of services that will lift your business to new heights.

The future of animal breeding

The future of animal breeding

The breeding tool

The key to being able to breed ethically and sustainably in the long term is to preserve the genetic variation. Animal.OOO has developed a completely new and unique breeding tool that has the potential to revolutionize the breeding work of the future and we will offer it to users completely free of charge.

Cooperation - The key to healthy breeding

For breeding, good cooperation between breeders, both within the country and across national borders is key.

Conservation - a sustainable way of breeding.

Animal.OOO uses scientists' knowledge of conserving wild species and applies the same thinking to pet breeding.

The breeding tool will be live in september 2023

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