Animal OOO Hero

For owners

We will help you as a pet owner to simplify your everyday life.

Tools to simplify

In one place, you will be able to find information about the species or breed you are interested in and expand your knowledge through articles, videos and guides. You will be able to find and contact breeders and access pictures, weight curves and other information that the breeder shares with you when the litter or offspring is born. Through your own private page, you will be able to take advantage of discounts and agreements that come with your breeder or receive offers from local operators that suit your animal ownership. Find trainers, courses, pet boarding, vets etc in your area and never miss a date again; you will get reminders when it's time to vaccinate your animal or when your course starts.


Part of a community

You can also communicate with the owners of your animal's siblings and relatives or follow others who have the same interests as you and through the public part of your page you can share pictures, competition results and other things related to your animal ownership.


In brief

  • Easy access to breeders
  • Educational materials
  • Exclusive offers
  • Easy search and booking
  • Reminders and notifications
  • Communicate with others - follow interesting profiles
For all species and all breeds in all countries






“Animals do so much for us, it is important that we give back to them in every way we can”

Helena Isolde Sundsgård

Founder & CEO

The future of animal breeding

The future of animal breeding

The breeding tool

The key to being able to breed ethically and sustainably in the long term is to preserve the genetic variation. Animal.OOO has developed a completely new and unique breeding tool that has the potential to revolutionize the breeding work of the future and we will offer it to users completely free of charge.

Cooperation - The key to healthy breeding

For breeding, good cooperation between breeders, both within the country and across national borders is key.

Conservation - a sustainable way of breeding.

Animal.OOO uses scientists' knowledge of conserving wild species and applies the same thinking to pet breeding.

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Make sure to never miss any news, sign up for our newsletter here and we will keep you updated on the latest in ethical and sustainable breeding and everything else that happens with Animal.OOO